Fall |

No Warm Ankles Allowed

Fall Capsule

I read a post awhile back on pinterest about the “wrong” and “right” way to wear ankle boots. And while it was from a blogger I typically like and respect, I was still a little surprised at the hard line approach. I get it, showing a little ankle almost always looks better, but what about those of us who live in climates that dip below 60?? I will be keeping an eye on ankles this winter in Portland, and report back.

The bare ankle trend is an interesting one. Even the men are showing their ankles. It’s funny, my husband first complained when J.Crew catalogs started featuring men in suits with bare ankles. If I had a penny for the number of times he’d said “I just don’t get it…” And now, guess who is growing his own collection of “no-shows”? ;)

As the weather has been getting increasingly cooler in the last week I have taken on a few strategies for keeping my ankles warm:
  1. Mash the top of my socks to the end of my jeans, the break in lines looks a little better than jeans tucked into ankle boots.
  2. Slide into flesh colored wool socks. (No joke. Okay, they’re tan, but it works.)
  3. Don enough jackets and scarves that having bare ankles is a relief.
  4. Wear said jacket and scarves while simultaneously carrying a 25 lb. toddler and holding hands with a four-year-old, who is holding hands with a six-year-old who we are all ushering four blocks uphill at break-neck speed to make it to school before the 8 a.m. bell rings. (True story. Today and yesterday.) Follow these instructions and you’ll be longing for shorts and sandals.
The Outfit:
Fall Capsule-2 Fall Capsule-3

This scarf/wrap is one of the warmest items in my closet. I bought before I started learning about ethical fashion, the tag says made in India and the website says made with Australian wool, so I am not quite sure where that leaves us. If you’re looking for an alternative, try this one in organic cotton, or this one is cozy cashmere. My jeans are by Paige (favorite for denim), my boots are by Madewell, try these instead. Jacket is Levi’s, but here’s a USA made option (investment), or try thrifting an old Levi’s jacket with lots of great character. Bag, vintage Dooney thrifted off ebay.


13 thoughts on “No Warm Ankles Allowed

  1. Love the tips on keeping the ankles warm, especially #4! Hahaha!! I will most likely be switching to tall boots here in the next month or so and only wear the ankles on nicer days. As much as I would just love to only wear short booties, the weather will control my clothing choices. :-) Fortunately, Virginia has nicer days throughout the winter so I will be able to wear ankle booties some. Have a great week!

  2. OK- forget fashion rules. If your ankles are cold, wear some cute socks! Who cares if you get scoffed at- at least your ankles are toasty warm and dry. I have like 3 pairs of thick woolies I break out when the temperatures are exceptionally unforgiving and I never regret it. Also- what was the post you’re referring to? I’m curious!

    Apart from that- this look is on point! I love this particular blanket scarf because it’s not the typical in your face plaid that many people are wearing.


    1. Sent you an email girl. ;)

      And yes, I think we’ve honed in on something. Keeping the jeans cuffed is key, but covering up the exposed skin with some clever socks will do the trick with a similar effect.

  3. I never got the bare ankle thing before either but now my ankles are bare 100% of the time! But the winters here are very mild (sometimes I do end up with these red chafed rings around my ankles from the cold though haha). Haha okay the flesh coloured socks is actually kinda genius. I guess fun coloured socks would have the same effect.

    1. Haha! Your comment made me LOL. Isn’t it funny how trends work? They are sneaky like that. Well you might have some cold ankles on your travels! Or maybe not ;)

  4. I think I’ve read this same post via pinterest. Great advice – especially #4! What a sight? Love the way you styled the scarf.

  5. Argh, these right and wrong ways…especially about ankle boots, I am kind of particular. Thing is, I found out that if my ankle is exposed to the cold, my whole body feels cold. I slip on a pair of socks and my regulation goes back to normal 5 minutes later, just like that!

    My other problem with showing ankles is, if you don’t have legs the length of a stork, cropping your jeans and showing ankles makes your legs appear shorter. I would know. Even wearing different colour booties than your trousers makes your legs look shorter. So while I love my tan coloured ankle boots…well let’s just say I have to pay a lot of attention to what I wear with them.

    That said I think my problem no. 1 could be solved by your advice number 4 – and trust me, it often is (though in my situation it typically means running to catch the train, mind you :) ) there still is that problem no. 1 that I’ve not figured out a solution for.

    Anyway, what I really wanted to say was I love how you styles this look and I love that scarf. May have just got a similar one…
    Have a great Friday!
    xo Kat

    1. I love your insights Kat! Perhaps in solving. #1 the answer lies in the color of the socks?

      And this wool wrap is incredibly warm making it stylish + functional, two of my favorite things!

  6. Andrea, I just saw these recommended on Une Femme (unefemme.net) and thought of you: Smartwool “Secret Sleuth” socks. They’re little no-show socks made of wool that apparently keep your toes warm without getting in the way of chic ankles :)

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