Fall |

21 Jumpsuit


You’re looking at my most favorite closet item right here.

I looooove wearing this jumpsuit. (As evidenced when I wore it here, here, and here.) It is possibly the least-fussy item I own – no simple task for a jumpsuit, which could potentially make using the restroom a challenge. This is an easy pull-on style, with side panels that make it hang just right. However, while the breeziness of the linen-poly fabric makes it great for summer, it’s a tough choice for winter. I’ve thought about wearing leggings under it, but then it all starts to seem so complicated. Layering to stay warm often leaves me feeling tricked into wearing the wrong combos. For now I’ll stick with a sweater.

[ jumpsuit, Reifhaus | sweater, from several seasons ago from UO (similiar) | boots, old (love these!) | necklace (in 28″ chain), c/o Loop Jewelry (use code: seasonsandsalt10 for 10% off) ]

I suppose if you had the right jumpsuit, it could be to winter styling what a dress is to summer styling: a complete (or near complete) outfit with one piece. I’ve thought about adding the designers’s winter weight version of the jumpsuit in dark indigo or white. But, buying the same thing in another color seems contrary to the lean closet mission I am on.

Speaking of closet missions, some of my lovely blogger friends are taking on another 10×10 Closet Challenge right now. I’m always so inspired by Lee of the Style Bee‘s pairings, and it’s fun to see Caroline of Un-Fancy in on the action too. And Jaana has my styling-heart, I want to be just like her when I grow up.

Are you currently doing a 10×10 Challenge? I might do another round in a few weeks when I’m feeling the itch to bend my creativity. The lessons I take away from the remix challenge are always eye-opening, and style-defining. Perhaps it would also give me a good shot at practicing my layers!


3 thoughts on “21 Jumpsuit

  1. Haha I love the title of this post! That jumpsuit is awesome. I love the idea of one, but don’t think I’d ever find a jumpsuit that would fit me properly; I’ve recently ordered a two piece set I’m going to try and pass off as a jumpsuit though, hoping it works!

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